| Home | Letters | The Letters of James Bourne - 272LETTER 272.[To Mrs. T.] Hertford, 2 September 1843.My dear Cousin, Although it is late on Saturday night, yet I cannot refrain from telling you how I have lost the power of writing. I am so ignorant as not to know how I shall properly set forth the high praises and beauty of the Lord Jesus Christ, is so condescending as to visit me in my low condition, full of wants of all sorts; but having his sweet presence, I find them all supplied. It may be well said that all fullness is in him; for when I have been under the most desolate and destitute feeling that a poor sinner could be, some portion of this fullness has quite satisfied my empty soul, and that according to his word - "He hath filled the hungry with good things; and the rich he hath sent empty away" [Luke ii. 53]. If you ask, What are the good things with which he fills you? O, my dear cousin, he fills me with shame and confusion of face because of my disputing his word, and he fills me with self-loathing because of my manifold transgressions; he fills me with godly sorrow and repentance unto life, which lay me low at his feet. He enables me to kiss the rod and the hand that lays it on; he makes me to admire his wisdom in it, and shows me this is the way a tender and pitiful Father will deal with an untoward child; and the feeling of his sparing mercy and long-suffering towards me causes hope to abound, and makes me most cordially to accept the punishment of my sins. These are all good things which the Lord and Saviour does for me and in me, and so teaches me, by many changes, to say with Hezekiah, "O Lord, by these things men live, and in all these things is the life of my spirit." Yours &c. J. B. |
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