LETTER 178.Hertford, 6 March 1840.Dear Mrs. J. I am of necessity at a distance from you, yet I often lay to heart your case, and am greatly encouraged by it. God's faithfulness to his people is unfathomable; "his ways past finding out." O how great is his goodness towards them that fear him "There is no want to them that fear him." How true and faithful to his word he is! Though he speaks with ever so low a whisper upon our spirits, yet we have ever found him so; and it is one of our greatest mercies, that our unbelief does not make his word without effect. He shows his people "the power of his works;" that they are "verity and judgment;" that they "stand fast for ever and ever, and are done in truth and uprightness." "His praise endureth for ever " [Psalm cxi]. I have found many changes here; especially in the night when no eye sees. Then it is the Lord walks up and down in my conscience, and shows me many things that cover my face with shame. O how low and little this makes me, and drives out that wretched legal spirit that would have something to present. So far from patching new upon old, I am forced to hasten my escape from the storm, and take a very short cut. Indeed there seems no room nor time for anything, but, "God be merciful to me a sinner;" and here I find no rebuke, but something seems to say, Keep here; and you will sooner or later perceive that instead of rebukes, the best robe, the ring, and the fatted calf, shall be set before you. And surely I find it so, and have often found it, since I came here; nor am I without the sweetness of these things upon my spirit while I write; blessed be his holy Name. I cordially desire, if I could, to communicate a portion of this heavenly flame to your heart, and pray that the live coal may never go out sensibly, till death is swallowed up in everlasting life through Jesus Christ our Lord. Pray remember me in your prayers, and give my kind regards to your sisters. I remain your companion in tribulation, abounding in hope. J. B. |
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