LETTER 27[To M. B.] Wiston Park, July 1828.Dear Cousin, I am with much pleasure able to inform you that I do not seek the face of God in vain. I have been in the deepest distress, but kept constantly crying to God; and though at times I find his gracious presence, at other times I tremble from head to foot with fear; but under all this cleave the more closely to him. O what happiness to find no reproof, no rebuke! but I am bid to look at all those that have gone before me in the path of tribulation, and learn that our reproach need not be borne single-handed; our sweet privilege is to believe that our reproach fell upon Christ. May you and I consider "that though he were a Son, yet learned he obedience by the things which he suffered;" and may we by prayer and supplication make manifest the same in our life and conversation. Our blessed High Priest was "touched with the feeling of our infirmities," and "was in all points tempted like as we are." Such things as these are inconceivable supports [Heb. iv. 15, and v. 8]. Thus I am occupied here, and kept with a mighty hand. My spirit is much preserved, and my trouble too complicated and severe to allow me time to trifle, and too heavy to be borne by flesh and blood. This morning, reading the epistle to the Hebrews, I have had a sweet season; much enlargement of heart, liberty in prayer, and fresh assurances of God's lovingkindness and tender care; many accusations from the enemy, many lying predictions, and painful threatenings, which the Lord is graciously pleased to remove by some word or other on which he causes me to hope. How sweet were these words to me today (I believe spoken by the Spirit, and imprinted on my heart), "See that thou make all things according to the pattern showed thee in the mount" [Heb. viii. 5]. In this mount God has often put me lately (the mount of his presence), and the pattern I there saw was to be clothed with humility, long-suffering, patience, meekness, temperance, and spiritual mindedness; no murmuring at God's dispensations, no sparing the flesh, no contention in the soul; see that your profiting appears in all these things. O Lord, be pleased to grant that this spirit may grow and increase more and more, that we may really walk in the enjoyment of them, is the prayer of, Yours affectionately, J. B. |
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